The Lifeguard By Deborah Blumenthal

This is not my typical read. It’s a single, easy, short read and definitely a YA. Not even a whole 300 pages! It took me only several hours to finish it and that was with the constant expected interruptions of my children. It was just wonderful. It left me wanting more as I felt the story had just really started. It brought tears to my eyes a time or two and I absolutely fell in love with all the characters. This would make a great book for a rainy Saturday, a commute, or a plane ride. There were times it seemed to lose me. I felt as though it left some thoughts or scenes incomplete, but maybe the author just wanted my imagination to run away with it. I just prefer to know exactly what is going on, so it was frustrating at times. I don’t even know if I’d call it a book, but maybe a short story. Blumenthal could have taken this so much farther. It really doesn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason, it just goes with whatever. I think it could have been better developed and turned out just one heck of a book. Overall though, I loved it and it made me smile throughout the book!! That’s what life’s about, right? Happy!! It was also uplifting and covered an array of issues teens face but in a fun and mysterious environment! I got it from the local library and I am so glad I did. I don’t think I would have been as happy paying the Amazon price of $7 for it. Even the ebook format is pushing $7. That just seems a little outrageous for this book, being it’s so… Short! Worth the read, but not $7!! Haha

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